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Raw-Nation's Hot Rawks® featured on Sirius Radio, Leads to Serious Exposure

July 13, 2010 - Satellite radio proves to reach a vast market for the owners of Raw-Nation™, the company behind the unique, new organic aphrodisiac supplement, Hot Rawks™.

Hot Rawks™ proprietors Joe Odell and Julie Wilson were invited as guests on the Tiffany Granath Show, Playboy Channel 99 on Sirius/XM Radio.

"Our goal is to make raw, organic herbs sexy and appealing to the mainstream," says Julie Wilson, "Natural remedies are far too often marketed in a bland, boring way. We're trying to change that perception and we felt that Playboy Radio could help promote what we're doing to the masses."

After being featured on just one episode of the Tiffany Granath Show, their website literally exploded with nearly half a million hits. Along with that was the obvious increase in sales.

"Do not confuse natural for organic," Wilson warned on the air, "The word 'natural' isn't regulated. Choose organic herbs and foods whenever possible."

Literally hundreds of thousands of passionate listeners flocked to the Hot Rawks™ website to find out more about this unique product and its benefits. This proves just how many people are interested in organic products and want natural alternatives to the myriad of chemical-filled drugs and medications filling their medicine cabinets.

Raw-Nation's Hot Rawks™ is available in select stores and online at